Maressa C. Alsher
About Our Classroom
Welcome to 4B!
My goal as an educator is to foster a warm and welcoming classroom environment that educates the whole child.
In our classroom:
students have an active role in creating classroom expectations
students have jobs and hold each other accountable for completing them
there is music, laughter, and collaboration
we celebrate the little victories
mistakes are an opportunity to learn and try again
![]() Area and perimeter robots |
![]() Classroom transformation |
Classroom Layout

Our classroom layout in August 2019, utilizing a number of seating options and spaces for students
The layout of our classroom lends itself to group, partner, and independent work opportunities. Although students have their own desks, they work in collaborative groups during much of the learning day.
There are also other areas of the classroom that promote choice and allow for flexibility during learning. These seating options include:
carpets around the classroom
bouncy bands
stools/wobble seats
community tables
Students are given the opportunity to move around the room when completing independent work. They are responsible for choosing seats that help them learn.
Learning by Doing
In our classroom, we learn by doing. Students have a number of opportunities each day to grapple with learning through conversation and hands-on application.
Our daily schedule below demonstrates how we engage in active learning throughout the day.
8:30-9:00 Morning Arrival
Upon arrival, students get themselves ready for the day. The morning routine and work is listed on the board for students to independently complete. This is also a time for me to check in with individuals.
9:00-9:30 Team Time
Team time activities change based on student need. Some students have band and orchestra during this time. I provide small group instruction to either preview skills or review skills from this previous day. Once a week, we also use this as choice time where students can choose STEM activities to work through.
9:30-10:15 Whole Group ELA
During the whole group block, I model and introduce skills we will be working on. This is also a time where students can discuss the text we are reading in groups and as a class.
10:15-10:30 Snack & Listening Activity
While students eat snack, we either listen to the Six Minute Podcast, share items that we bring from home, or share projects we've completed.
10:30-11:20 Daily 5
During Daily 5, students rotate through literacy stations and choose activities from the choice boards at each station. The stations include computers, word work, writing, buddy read, and meet with the teacher.
11:20-12:45 Special, Recess, Lunch
Students visit art, music, gym, or library before enjoying recess and lunch.
12:45-2:00 Math
We start math each day as a whole class and complete fluency activities to warm up. After our mini lesson, students rotate through stations to complete their independent work, meet with the teacher , and practice skills Zearn.
2:00-2:30 RTII-Reading
During this time, students receive specialized instruction based on their reading needs.
2:30-2:50 Recess
Students have a second opportunity to get outside and run around! There are a number of activities and games available to support students with developing social skills.
2:55-3:30 Science/SS
Using an inquiry based approach, we investigate new ideas in science. In social studies, we often use research and art to learn.
3:35 Dismissal
While students wait to be called, we play games and enjoy our time together as a class.
![]() After building physical maps of Pennsylvania, students painted them based on regional landforms |
![]() Students gathering information from their text about Native Americans before writing opinion pieces |

Sharing items that represent our culture and heritage are one type of activity we participate in during snack time.